Trust boosters for your webshop
By Koen De Brouwer | Last update: 21/03/2023
– Read: 5 min –
Studies show that trust plays a crucial role in the success of online shops. After all, online shoppers want certainty.
Online shopping is here to stay. New webshops are springing up like mushrooms. But why should the online shopper buy from you? Only an excellent product range and ditto price strategy do not guarantee success. There are other factors at play. Ease of use (UX) is one of them. Trust also plays a crucial role. After all, online shoppers do not want to be confronted with (unpleasant) surprises.
Build trust
Fortunately, there are many ways to exude confidence. Discussing them all is too ambitious for one article; we will leave that to our workshops. Here, we will already go into how even a few small adjustments to your buttons generate more confidence and assurance.
Buttons should clarify
For example, “Add to basket” below is much clearer than “Confirm”. After all, the latter can make your customer feel that clicking it makes them pay for the purchase.
Indicate the next step
- 1) softening texts: These remove any uncertainties by explaining the next step, giving additional information, etc.
Example on
- 2) a progress bar. This gives a more global view and shows all steps of the process, including progress.
Example of a progress bar
Secure payment
Online shoppers want to be sure that payment is secure. Again, there are several ways to create the feeling of a secure payment. One is adding an icon that conveys security:
Even better is to combine this security icon with the amount. That way, you offer extra security to your customer about the amount to be paid and they will definitely not be surprised.
Not all CMS systems provide the option of adding icons in the buttons. That in itself need not be a problem. Feel free to place the icon below the button itself.
SSL – Secure Payment
Online shoppers don’t want any surprises.
Use as many trust boosters as possible to remove any uncertainties from your customers.
Next steps
Het wegnemen van eventuele onzekerheden bij je shoppers is een combinatie van factoren. Enkel je buttons aanpassen is niet voldoende. Er zijn tal van trust boosters waar je als webshop handig gebruik kan van maken. Social proof bijvoorbeeld is er daar één van. In onze workshop ontdek je ze allemaal, én tonen we je onmiddellijk hoe je deze kan toepassen om van je webshop een vertrouwd platform te maken.
Neuromarketing for webshops
Get an interactive insight into the science behind web shops, including lots of practical examples and best practices.
Want to know more?
- Optimal UX (User Experience)
- Optimal dealing with a wide range of products
- Sales boosters & cross-selling
- Webshop trust boosters & uncertainty
- Find out at the workshop
- Find out at the workshop
- Find out at the workshop
- Buttons you can trust ← this article
- Social proof
- Find out in the workshop
- Promotions & prizes with impact
- Webshop emails